{"id":37436,“日期”:“2022 - 07 - 20 - t07:08:39”,“date_gmt”:“2022 - 07 - 20 - t15:08:39”,“guid”:{“呈现”:“http: \ / \ / xmsyj.salamzone.com \ /?page_id = 37436 "},“修改”:“2024 - 03 - 01 - t09:58:47”,“modified_gmt”:“2024 - 03 - 01 - t18:58:47”,“鼻涕虫”:“maintenance-of-service-drop”,“状态”:“发布”,“类型”:“页面”,“链接”:“http: \ / \ / xmsyj.salamzone.com \ /safety\/tree-management\/maintenance-of-service-drop\/","title":{"rendered":"Maintenance of Service Drop"},“内容”:{“呈现”:“

Member’s Responsibility<\/h2>\n

Members are responsible for maintaining a 4-foot-wide path (ground-to-sky clearance) for the service drop. 因此, it\u2019s your responsibility to keep limbs clear of secondary lines, which are the lines from your home or business to the pole (i.e. meter pole, yard pole or transformer pole, whichever comes first).<\/p>\n

如果需要, arrangements can be made to have service wires temporarily removed at no charge to you. 如果您想安排这项免费推荐十大正规网赌平台, please contact Golden Valley Electric Association (GVEA)\u2019s Operations Department at (907) 452-1151<\/a> extension 5692<\/span> several days in advance, so steps can be taken to complete this work safely. We will gladly work with you and\/or your contractor to make sure the power line is taken down so that the tree(s) can be removed or trimmed safely.<\/p>\n

一旦推荐十大正规网赌平台中断被清除, you must agree to maintain the 4-foot-wide (ground-to-sky clearance) path for the service drop in order to be reconnected. GVEA will not reconnect a service unless there is a 4-foot-wide (ground-to-sky) path. Access must be provided between the service attachment and GVEA\u2019s facilities.<\/p>\n

It\u2019s important to maintain the trees on your property also. This includes maintaining vegetation outside the utility easements. This effort will help to avoid outages and unsafe conditions.<\/p>\n

Caution:<\/strong> For your safety, please do not work on trees near power lines. Never attempt to prune or trim near electrical wires or remove branches that are touching power lines. Please alert GVEA if you believe a tree may be growing too close to a power line using our Hazard Tree form<\/a>.<\/p>\n


GVEA’s Responsibility<\/h2>\n

GVEA is responsible for trimming trees or vegetation contacting or having the potential to cause an outage on primary electric lines. Primary lines are the distribution or transmission lines that lead from the substation to the secondary lines that feeds homes and businesses.<\/p>\n

Trimming or removing trees is the best way of preventing outages or blinks; this results in more reliable service, as well as quicker power restoration during severe weather events.<\/p>\n

Our crews look for foliage growing under power lines, 悬臂分支, leaning or other types of \u201chazard\u201d trees that could pull down a power line if they fall.<\/p>\n

GVEA only trims trees that are growing too close to power lines that are owned and maintained by GVEA. GVEA does not trim trees that are threatening to interfere with your service drop (the line that runs from your pole to your home or business). Maintaining the vegetation to the service drop is the responsibility of the property owner.<\/p>\n


Maintenance of Service Drop Brochure<\/h2>\n