Todd Adams


District 7 Candidate, Incumbent

Primary Residence: Mile 315.1 Parks Hwy

Years in Alaska: 28 years

Occupation/Employer: Senior Project Manager, Siemens Industries

Education: OSHA 30 with over 40 CEUs
Construction Quality Management
Over 40 Specific Siemens Project Management Certificates

Personal interests/hobbies: I enjoy being an outdoorsman - retriever training and competition, hunting, fishing, and farming. Other interest includes Rokon motorcycles and farming.

Organization affiliation: Fairbanks Retriever Club, member since 2000, Board Member, VP, and President in various roles over 20 years
American Chesapeake Club (retrievers) Current Board member

Areas of Special Interest to you and/or your community service: I have been extensively involved with design and execution of utility monitoring and control systems on large-scale complex sites for my entire professional career, all geared toward the result of consumer savings and customer satisfaction. I have practiced the practical applications and facilitated the cost benefit scenarios of numerous methodologies including duty cycling, peak demand limiting, and start stop time optimization for customers based on utility companies’ various billing structures. I believe implementing these methodologies even on a small scale would help both local communities and GVEA’s planning towards the future.

Why are you interested in running for a seat on GVEA’s board? I have spent the last 2 plus years on the GVEA Board of Directors and still believe I have much to positively contribute. Having been in large corporate structures and engaging with their methods of business, I believe I could continue to facilitate the scaling of ideas to our local co-op model, providing new opportunities for members at-large and GVEA. If given the privilege of serving my local community and the larger region, I commit to giving my time and expertise.